Ericius Capital Limited - Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

At Ericius Capital Limited, we care about your privacy. For this reason, we collect and use personal data to ensure we are providing you with the right services. Our privacy policy is intended to describe to you how and what data we collect and how we use such data to ensure you are getting the best service possible. It also describes the options that we provide for you to have access, update, or take control of your personal data that we process. If at any time you have questions about how we collect or process your data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by using our contact form.

Ericius Capital Limited respects and values the security and privacy of the clients it contacts. This policy notice is to set out how we collect and process your personal data.

How do we collect personal information about you?
We obtain personal information about you that you provide to us through our website, emails, telephone calls, face to face, and documents that you provide. By submitting your personal information to us, you consent to the use of that information as set out in this policy.

Why we collect your personal information.
We process personal data to enable us to perform our business with you, and provide services to our clients and partners, which includes – but is not limited to – developing and managing property developments.

We process data for the purpose of operating our business, for our own legitimate interests, public liability claims, health and safety of our employees, and to notify you of a change to any of the terms and conditions of our business.

We process personal information to meet our legal obligations in maintaining our own accounting records, including and not limited to anti money laundering regulations 2017 and Immigrations Act 2016, in order to comply with all applicable government legislation.

We process personal data on your consent. You are free to change your consent for marketing, updates and property matching, however, this may affect the service that we can provide to you.

What Data is collected?
This often depends on the reason we collect the information. We usually hold your full names and contact information (address, telephone numbers, emails).
Depending on the relationship that develops between us, we may require Proof of Identity, Employment information, Financial details, and other details.

Who is this information shared with
We do not share this information with anyone, unless strictly necessary – and with your consent – to allow you to take part in property developments and similar projects. If this is the case, we may share your information with Financial organisations (e.g. banks, mortgage lenders), Business associated and other professional adviser (e.g. solicitors, financial and tax advisors), and Central and local government and police forces (were required to by law).

How long will be we keep your information for?
We will not keep your personal information longer than it is necessary for the purpose for which it was provided, unless we are required by law or have other legitimate reasons to keep it for longer. We will normally keep information for no more than seven years after termination of the contract or service we provide to you. We are legally required to hold some types of information for certain prescribed periods to fulfil our legal obligations.

Your rights under GDPR
The GDPR regulation ensures that you have eight fundamental rights in regards to your data.
They are:
• The right to be informed
• The right of access
• The right to rectification
• The right to erasure
• The right to restrict processing
• The right to data portability
• The right to object
• Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

For explanations of each of these rights and further information about GDPR, please refer to the ICO’s website, here.

Update and correct inaccuracies in your personal information.
If you feel that any of the personal information we hold about you is incorrect or inaccurate, you can contact us and tell us through the contact form.

Opting out process and withdrawal of consent
Should you wish to opt out of our marketing communications, you a can let us know through the contact form. And you can withdraw any consent given at any point.
We will never sell, distribute, or lease your personal information to third parties, unless we are required to share the information by law.

For questions relating to this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the contact form.

Updated May 2024